DAY 5 Challenge:

Instantly Silences your negative inner voice & sparks new positive thoughts and action

Today, you'll discover how to avoid getting stuck in low-level thinking and negative emotions that sabotage your success.

Getting out your own way...

The Problem...

Entrepreneurs are constantly faced with challenges and obstacles, but the biggest obstacle is often negative self-talk.

Self-talk is the constant stream of thoughts that run through our minds, and it dictates how we feel about ourselves.

Many entrepreneurs have predominantly negative self-talk, which can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If we have a positive and supportive inner voice, we're more likely to take risks, pursue our goals, and persevere in the face of setbacks.

So how do you hack your brain and elevate your self-talk?

How to elevate your self-talk to be your inner success coach instead of a nasty critic

To change your self-talk, first become aware of the thoughts you're thinking daily.

Once you become aware of your negative self-talk, challenge it by asking yourself what if this simply wasn't true.

It takes practice to change your self-talk, but it's worth the effort. When you talk to yourself in a more positive way, you'll find it easier to take risks and pursue goals.

Some gurus recommend affirmations to counter negative self-talk, but that's like trying to stop a raging river by throwing rocks at it. 

Good luck with that!

A Better Way...

    A better approach is to start asking yourself empowering questions.

    It's a simple hack but it's extremely powerful.

    The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of the questions we ask ourselves daily.

    If we ask ourselves empowering questions, we will get empowering results.

    If we ask ourselves disempowering questions, we will get disempowering results.

    Our brains are like computers, and they will give us the answers that we are looking for.

    Instead of trying to stop a raging river by throwing affirmation rocks at it, empowering questions will redirect the river altogether.

      Empowering questions will lead to empowering answers, which will lead to an empowering belief system, which will lead to an empowered life.

      So if we want to change our lives, we need to change the questions that we're asking ourselves daily.

      In moments of challenge and disappointment, what questions do you ask yourself?

      Some examples of empowering questions that you can start asking yourself are:

      • What can I do to make this situation better?
      • How can I turn this challenge into an opportunity?
      • What can I learn from this experience?
      • What is the best thing that could happen as a result of this situation?
      • How can I make this work for me?

      Asking yourself these types of questions will help to shift your mindset from a defeatist one to a more positive and empowered one.

      And when your mindset shifts, so too will your self-talk.

      It won't happen overnight, but with time and practice, you can train your brain to think more positively and constructively about yourself and your business. And when you do, you will be well on your way to achieving greater success.

      So there you have it, some simple but effective tips for hacking your brain and changing your self-talk. If you want to be more successful in business, start by elevating your inner dialogue and making it work for you instead of against you. With a positive mindset and a supportive inner voice, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

      How to ignore the Imposter Syndrome voice in your head 

      Imposter syndrome is real, but you can overcome it

      One of the biggest obstacles to success is imposter syndrome.

      Imposter syndrome is when we doubt our abilities and achievements and feel like we are frauds.

      It's incredibly common among entrepreneurs. Studies have shown that 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives.

      And it's no wonder. Entrepreneurs are constantly putting themselves out there, taking risks, and pushing themselves to their limits.

      It can be easy to doubt ourselves when we're constantly challenging the status quo.

      The good news is that imposter syndrome is something that you can overcome.

          Here are some tips for how to deal with imposter syndrome:

          • Acknowledge your achievements. It's important to take a step back and recognize your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem.
          • Remember that everyone feels like an imposter sometimes. You're not alone in feeling this way.
          • Focus on your progress, not your perfection. We are constantly growing and evolving, and our journey is never going to be perfect.
          • Be kind to yourself. Imposter syndrome can be tough on our mental health. So it's important to cut ourselves some slack and show ourselves some compassion.
          • Seek out feedback from people you trust. This can help you gain perspective and realize that your doubts are often unfounded.

          If you're struggling with imposter syndrome, know that you're not alone. And remember that you can overcome it. Just take it one day at a time and focus on your progress, not your perfection.

          Stop Internalizing to other people's opinions about you and start believing in yourself

          As entrepreneurs, we are constantly seeking feedback to validate our business assumptions and make necessary adjustments. • However, it is important to be able to take this feedback constructively, without letting it impact our self-confidence. 

          All too often, entrepreneurs internalize other people's opinions of them and allow it to shape their own opinion of themselves. This can lead to negative self-talk and a lack of belief in oneself. 

          It is important to remember that not everyone will see your vision or understand your business the way you do - and that's okay! You don't need everyone's approval to be successful. The only approval you need is your own. 

          So instead of internalizing other people's opinions, start believing in yourself. Learn to filter out the noise and focus on constructive feedback based on facts - not opinions. 

          When someone offers their opinion, ask yourself these questions:

          • Does this person have my best interest at heart?
          • Are they qualified to give me this advice?
          • Do I trust their judgment?

          If the answer to any of these questions is no, then you should politely thank them for their feedback and move on with confidence knowing that only YOUR opinion matters when it comes down to success in YOUR business venture!

          Elevating your self-talk is a process, but it's worth it. When you do, you'll find that your inner voice becomes a powerful success coach instead of a saboteur. You'll be more likely to take risks, pursue your goals, and achieve success. So don't wait any longer, start hacking your brain today!

          Day 5 Challenge: Apply the No Struggle Success Framework to Self-Talk

          Habit (Earth)

          Tiny Habit recipe: After I [hear negative selk-talk], I will take one deep breath and ask myself one of these "what if" questions:

          • What if I could give myself the same compassion I so easily give to others?
          • What if I could be confident and successful no matter what?
          • What if I could trust myself implicitly?
          • What if I could be kind and forgiving to myself, even when I make mistakes?
          • What if I could be gentle and patient with myself as I learn and grow?
          • What if I remembered that most successful have or had imposter syndrome and did it anyway?

          Mindset (Air)

          • Possibility: What if my inner voice could be my biggest champion? What new possibilities open up to me when I let go of the need to be like anyone else or have what anyone else has?
          • Identity: How many ways can I model high self-confidence?
          • Beliefs: What new and fascinating beliefs make it easy to foster positive self-talk?

          Action (Fire)

          1. For the next 24 hours, notice when you experience negative self-talk. Simply acknowledge and let it go. Ask yourself: What would I say to a good friend in this situation?
          2. For the next 24 hours, notice when you start to internalize other people's negative opinions. Again, simply acknowledge it, and then let it go. Ask yourself: "What new and empowering ways can I interpret this to propel me forward?"

          Let Go (Water)

          Let go: Take 10 deep breaths: 4 seconds in and 8 seconds out

          Question: How freeing does it feel to let go of the need to struggle?

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